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A global company strategically headquartered in Singapore, Frugum Agribusiness was established in 2020 with the mission of prospecting agricultural commodity businesses and connecting Brazilian agribusiness companies to the food production sector in Asia.
Our vision is to find smart and disruptive solutions for our customers in a unique and innovative way. We use Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and cloud computing systems to manage Frugum Agribusiness in a transparent and reliable manner.
In Boston, we have created a Technology department dedicated exclusively to the care of our server and to all matters related to Artificial Intelligence and the relationship with the Institutes of Technology of the United States of America.
Frugum Agribusiness is one of the subsidiaries of the TKOF HOLDING, a company that is on the rise and connected with several Trades in Southeast Asia, where we participate in major fairs and events in the field in search of new markets and partnerships, which further strengthens our ability to achieve positive results for our clients.
We share values that inspire trust, responsibility, transparency, respect for life and a deep reverence for family. Ethics and honesty are non-negotiable values.
We are strongly committed to contributing to global food security and promoting sustainable practices throughout the food supply chain, thereby improving infrastructure and socio-economic development in these countries.
Âncora 3
The Vision-of-the-Future of Brazilian Agriculture platform gathers and synthesises structural analyzes of the food, fiber and bioenergy production environments considering a long-term horizon. Embrapa counts on these inputs for decision-making and elaborating strategic planning. Players in Brazilian agriculture use it for guiding their actions. It is coordinated by Embrapa’s Secretariat of Intelligence and Strategic.
Coordinated by Embrapa's Strategic Intelligence System (Agropensa), it is the result of the effort of more than 300 specialists and leaders of Brazilian agriculture, the analysis of 126 documents and discussions at 37 events. In the current cycle (2020–2022), the result is consolidated into 8 megatrends and is presented to society on this online platform, which will have regular updates. In addition, we present a section with information on the trajectory of the Brazilian agro until 2021, as well as important driving forces of the economy and society with an impact on the agro.
This process is based on the use of Strategic Intelligence (EI) tools, through which signs and trends were captured, both in agriculture and in other sectors that have a structural impact. Making use of multi-criteria analysis and a transdisciplinary approach, we have content capable of supporting proactive decisions for building a sustainable future.
To ensure a fair and sustainable future for all, contemporary society has important choices to make over the next two decades. Uncertainties about the availability of food, water, energy and natural resource constraints surround most of them. Therefore, risks related to insecurity in these areas become a priority focus for action, and can be mitigated as they are recognized and faced in advance.
The megatrends show that agriculture, traditionally receptive to innovations, is well positioned to contribute to facing these risks and to the challenges of national and global strategies that will have an impact both in reducing poverty and hunger and in expanding political stability and the social welfare. In this process, Embrapa feels included in facing the historical challenges of agriculture to mitigate threats and expand opportunities through scientific and technological development.
Source - Executive Board of Embrapa
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